Example Content

A page showing how regular markdown content is styled in Hydejack.

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~. [Link to another page](404.html). # Header 1 This is a normal paragraph following a header. GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. ## Header 2 > This is a blockquote following a header. > > When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. ### Header 3 ```js // Javascript code with syntax highlighting. var fun = function lang(l) { dateformat.i18n = require('./lang/' + l) return true; } ``` ```ruby # Ruby code with syntax highlighting GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version| s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}") end ``` #### Header 4 * This is an unordered list following a header. * This is an unordered list following a header. * This is an unordered list following a header. ##### Header 5 1. This is an ordered list following a header. 2. This is an ordered list following a header. 3. This is an ordered list following a header. ###### Header 6 | head1 | head two | three | |:-------------|:------------------|:------| | ok | good swedish fish | nice | | out of stock | good and plenty | nice | | ok | good `oreos` | hmm | | ok | good `zoute` drop | yumm | ### There's a horizontal rule below this. * * * ### Here is an unordered list: * Item foo * Item bar * Item baz * Item zip ### And an ordered list: 1. Item one 1. Item two 1. Item three 1. Item four ### And a nested list: - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 3 item - level 3 item - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 1 item ### Small image ![](https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png) ### Large image ![](https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/branching.png) ### Definition lists Name : Godzilla Born : 1952 Birthplace : Japan Color : Green ``` Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this. Or is it? ``` ``` The final element. ``` ## Hydejack Exclusives Hydejack offers a few additional features to markup your markdown. Don't worry, these are merely CSS classes added with kramdown's `{:.my-class}` syntax, so that your posts remain compatible with other Jekyll themes. ### Message Boxes You can add a message box by adding the `message` class to a paragraph. {:.message} ### Faded text You can add gray text by adding the `faded` class. {:.faded} ### Lead Paragraphs You can add large text by adding the `lead` class to a paragraph. {:.lead} ### Lead Quotes > You can make a quote "pop out" by adding the `lead` class to a quote. {:.lead} ### Lead Images You can make an image span the full width by adding the `lead` class: ![Full-width image](https://placehold.it/800x100){:.lead} ## Tables Large (data) tables: | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | |-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:| | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | Prevent line breaks within cells by adding the `scroll-table` class to a table: | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | |-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:| | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | Second body | | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | 2 line | | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | Footer row | | | | {:.scroll-table} Flip the table by adding the `flip-table` class to a table: | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned | Right aligned | |-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:|-----------------|:-----------|:---------------:|---------------:| | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | First body part |Second cell | Third cell | fourth cell | | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | Second line |foo | **strong** | baz | | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | Third line |quux | baz | bar | | 4th line |quux | baz | bar | 4th line |quux | baz | bar | 4th line |quux | baz | bar | 4th line |quux | baz | bar | | 5th line |quux | baz | bar | 5th line |quux | baz | bar | 5th line |quux | baz | bar | 5th line |quux | baz | bar | | 6th line |quux | baz | bar | 6th line |quux | baz | bar | 6th line |quux | baz | bar | 6th line |quux | baz | bar | | 7th line |quux | baz | bar | 7th line |quux | baz | bar | 7th line |quux | baz | bar | 7th line |quux | baz | bar | | 8th line |quux | baz | bar | 8th line |quux | baz | bar | 8th line |quux | baz | bar | 8th line |quux | baz | bar | | 9th line |quux | baz | bar | 9th line |quux | baz | bar | 9th line |quux | baz | bar | 9th line |quux | baz | bar | | 10th line |quux | baz | bar | 10th line |quux | baz | bar | 10th line |quux | baz | bar | 10th line |quux | baz | bar | {:.flip-table} ### Math Inline math $$ f(x) = x^2 $$ and math blocks: $$ \begin{aligned} \phi(x,y) &= \phi \left(\sum_{i=1}^n x_ie_i, \sum_{j=1}^n y_je_j \right) \\[2em] &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n x_i y_j \phi(e_i, e_j) \\[2em] &= (x_1, \ldots, x_n) \left(\begin{array}{ccc} \phi(e_1, e_1) & \cdots & \phi(e_1, e_n) \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \phi(e_n, e_1) & \cdots & \phi(e_n, e_n) \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} y_1 \\ \vdots \\ y_n \end{array}\right) \end{aligned} $$

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